eReader Collection

Thanks to a generous grant from the Rotary Club of Swarthmore, we are able to offer 18 eReaders for our patrons to borrow for free!

Each eReader comes pre-loaded with dozens of titles for you to choose from. Please click on the links below to see the complete list for each eReader grouping.

eReader Groupings

Borrower’s FAQ

Who may borrow an eReader?

EReaders are available to patrons with a valid library card and accounts in good standing. eReaders will not be checked out to individuals under 14 years of age.

What books are available on the eReader?

The eReader comes preloaded with a selection of popular eBook titles purchased by the library. You may not add or remove content from the eReader. Links to stream (not download) free eBooks and audio books are provided (only on the Kindle Fire).

How long may I borrow an eReader?

3 weeks with one renewal allowed. Only one eReader may be checked out to your account at a time. If the eReader is returned past its due date you will be charged a late fee of $3 per day.

Where do I return my eReader?

EReaders are picked up and returned to your requested library, but must be returned directly to a library staff member. EReaders may NOT be returned in an outdoor book drop.

Can I make suggestions for eBooks to be loaded on the eReader?

Yes! On our website we have a place where you can “Suggest a Title”. We also have a box in the library where you can put your suggestions. Just be sure to mention you would like this title considered for the eReader collection.