Thank you to the Library Foundation of Delaware County for their generous donation of eBooks and audiobooks for our library! Find these new titles in Libby. To learn more about the Foundation visit

Overdrive has transitioned to Libby. If you are reading your titles on an Apple or Android device, download the free Libby App. If you are reading using a browser, use the linked website — it’s the most convenient way to download and read your books in the same place!

Get free access to thousands of movies streaming on Kanopy with your library card. Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more.

Not finding your book titles in Libby? You can also try Hoopla. You can use it to download movies, shows, music, eBooks, graphic novels, and audiobooks. Due to cost, Hoopla is a limited service.
eReaders are also available to borrow. Learn more about our eReader Collection!