
Welcome to our new Library Director Alec Staley!

Dear SwPL Community,

I am thrilled to join the Swarthmore Public Library and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.

I’ve always been passionate about libraries and the invaluable role they play in fostering community. My journey into the world of books began at an early age and grew from a fascination with history, which led me to pursue a degree in History and Philosophy. This academic foundation, paired with my work in libraries, has shaped my belief that libraries are both repositories of knowledge and vibrant community hubs. I earned my Masters in Library Science from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and since then, I’ve had the privilege of working in leadership roles in various libraries that serve a wide range of needs.

When not at the library, I spend my time in Philadelphia with my two cats and spouse of 10 years. I love exploring new restaurants, visiting local museums, and reading books in my down time.

In past roles, I have had the honor of transforming libraries into hubs of connection and information. I have hosted and worked with local community partners to establish health fairs, job fairs, and resource fairs to connect the community with many different organizations.

I am humbled and excited to start working with and for the Swarthmore community. The community is the heart of every library’s mission, and I cherish each moment spent working with them. Swarthmore is a charming community with passionate and engaged citizens. This has attracted me to Swarthmore, as I strongly believe in being an active member in society. As someone who has a visionary and innovative mindset, I am excited to lead the Swarthmore Public Library through many changes we are embarking on. 

I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with the exceptional staff at Swarthmore Public Library and get to know to the Swarthmore community. In the coming months, I’ll be reaching out to meet with our key community stakeholders and holding meet and greet sessions. 

I’m looking forward to meeting each of you, and can’t wait to write the next chapter of our library together!

Best wishes,
Alec Staley

Staff Directory:

Alec Staley, Director

Carol Mackin, Circulation Manager

Scott Schumacher, Youth Services Coordinator

Kerry Doyle, Public Relations Coordinator

Jenifer Phillips, Adult Services Coordinator

Mae, Library Associate

Marnie, Library Associate