The Swarthmore Public Library’s mission is to empower our community to read, meet, discover, and grow. It takes a dedicated community to help meet the library’s mission.
The Swarthmore Public Library is seeking candidates to fill vacancies on its Board of Trustees, including Borough Council-appointed positions.
Trustee positions are for a three-year term.
Candidates must be residents or taxpayers of the Borough, of voting age, and able to obtain PA Criminal Background and Child Abuse Clearances.
Trustees are expected to serve on at least one committee: Strategic Planning, Personnel, Finance, Development, or Nominating. See the “Trustee Job Description” for more details.
The Board meets at 7:15 pm on the third Tuesday of the month, except for 1) the Annual meeting on the fourth Tuesday of January at 7:15 pm and 2) the first Tuesday of September at 7:15 pm. The Board of Trustees does not meet in July or August. All meetings are open to the public.
To apply, download and complete an application and return it to director@swarthmorepubliclibrary.org. Applications can also be picked up from and returned to the library.
To contact the board, email board@swarthmorepubliclibrary.org