The Friends of the Swarthmore Public Library (FOSwPL) is a dedicated non-profit group, which fundraises on behalf of the Swarthmore Public Library.
The Library could not function as we know it without the generous community support that comes to us through the FoSwPL; over 10% of the library’s annual funding comes from the Friends!
Annual Fund Drive
The Friends support the Library through an Annual Fund Drive. Click here to read the 2024 Annual Appeal Letter. All proceeds go to the Friends for the benefit of the Library.
Please consider making a donation through the “Donate” button.
Book Shop
Find your favorite books at a great price! The Book Shop includes used hardbacks, paperbacks, and children’s books in good condition.
Located inside Borough Hall. All proceeds go to the Friends for the benefit of the Library.
Monday: 11 am to 3 pm
Tuesday: 11 am to 3 pm
Wednesday: 11 am to 7 pm
Thursday: 11 am to 3 pm
Friday: 11 am to 3 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Book & Bake Sales
All proceeds go to the Friends for the benefit of the Library.
Pop-up sales will also be held throughout the year – stay tuned for details!
Book Donations
The Friends gladly accept used book donations to support the Book Shop and Book Sales.
For large donations, please email foswpl@gmail.com.
Please adhere to donation guidelines:
- Items must be in good condition. No moldy or mildewed items, please!
- No CDs, DVDs, or VHS tapes.
- No textbooks or magazines.
- No reference books, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, or thesauruses.
- Book donation receipts may be obtained from the Library’s circulation desk.
If you would like to donate your time and expertise to the FOSwPL, please contact foswpl@gmail.com.